I’m sure a lot of new players (like myself) are looking for reference map to find extraction points/points of interest and get a general bearing while exploring. I found some pretty good ones and not so good ones. Decided to make my own and I want to keep updating them and adding things as I discover more. But here they are for now.

(I have only played for about a day at this given time so I have not yet gone to Factory, hence the map only having 2 extraction points)


[Updated January 1st, 2018]


Escpe from Tarkov Map - Woods


Escpe from Tarkov Map - Customs


Escpe from Tarkov Map - Factory

Escpe from Tarkov Map – Factory


Shoreline (Coming soon!)

So as mentioned on the original blog, it has moved over here. It’s still in process so bear with me as I am in the process of moving some of the tutorials over here as well as leaving some behind since they have become irrelevant.

I also have a bunch of ideas/tutorials in progress to make an appearance here in the days to come.

